

Image of Mint Pascati Chocolate - 30 Gm
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Image of Blueberry Walnut Pascati Chocolate - 30 Gm
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Image of Sea Salt Pascati Chocolate - 30 Gm
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Image of Passion Fruit Almond Pascati Chocolate - 30 Gm
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Image of Raspberry Hibiscus Pascati Chocolate - 30 Gm
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Image of 72 Dark Pascati Chocolate - 30 Gm
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Pascati was born out of deep passion of our Co-founder & Chief Chocolate Maker, Devansh Ashar.

Pascati set itself stringent quality standards when it came to sourcing its ingredients adhering to Organic standards and Fairtrade norms.chocolate brand. USDA Organic and Fairtrade compliant Pascati became India's first In the winter of 2014, Devansh saw his young nephew eating a bar of compound. He noticed how chewy it was and made him wonder why is it so different than a bar of Lindt, which was much smoother and melted on the palate effortlessly. This curiosity led him to search on Google of how chocolate is made, where he discovered the process of chocolate making all the way from Bean to Bar. Bean to bar chocolates or craft chocolates were gaining popularity in USA but there were barely any makers in India. He decided to take an online chocolate making course with Ecole Chocolat Canada and modified an idli grinder to make chocolate in his bedroom. He first shared his confections with family and friends and soon participated at the local, weekend markets. As he got more positive feedback, he set up a 400 sq ft unit at Daman (U.T.). When he started, Devansh was the third bean to bar chocolate maker in the country and first in Mumbai. He christened the brand 'Pascati', derived from Sanskrit word Pascat Parivesya which translates to a sweet meal. The brand’s vision of being truly Indian is reflected in its logo with प and P. 

Pascati set itself stringent quality standards when it came to sourcing its ingredients adhering to Organic standards and Fairtrade norms.chocolate brand. USDA Organic and Fairtrade compliant Pascati became India's first Over the next 3 years


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