Refresh Organic Turmeric Powder Benefits

7 Health Benefits of Turmeric Powder

September 7th, 2019

According to Sanskrit medical treatises and Ayurvedic and Unani systems, turmeric has a long history of medicinal use in South Asia. In recent decades, medical researchers began noticing a lower rate of certain diseases in countries whose inhabitants regularly consume turmeric-rich dishes.

These are the health benefits of turmeric  powder:

  • Help against Arthritis: Curcumin, one of the active components of turmeric is proved to be anti-inflammatory, which helps to treat the symptoms of Arthritis. One study states that turmeric is far more effective in preventing joint pain, although taking turmeric on regular basis can give much relief from joint pain and improve joint function.

  • Used in Anti-Depressants: Several trials were made to know the effiency and saftey of Circumin in patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). It was found to be a safe and natural treatment for Depression. It also enhances the outcome of Anti-Depressants. The trial results showed that circumin is a potential component to be used as a supplement for improving the treatment for depression.

  • Cures Respiratory Problems: It is a well-known fact that Turmeric is helpful to cure respiratory problems such as runny nose, cough, and sinusitis. Warm milk with turmeric is a common home remedy if one has cold. Turmeric with warm water and salt can be used to gargle for sore throat.

  • Improves Digestion: Turmeric stimulates the gallbladder to produce bile, which in turn improves digestion and reduces the symptoms of swelling and gas. This also helps in the breakdown of fat in the diet. You can benefit from turmeric by having a teaspoon of turmeric powder diluted in water with each meal. A study showed that the presence of turmeric in meals increases bowel motility.

  • Helps in Weight Loss: Curcumin improves metabolism when followed with proper diet and exercise. Turmeric can be added in foods to reduce gas and bloating. It also stimulates bile production in the liver which helps in digesting fats. Obesity is related to chronic inflammation, since Curcumin in turmeric fights inflammation, it may have potential in treating obesity.

  • Anticancer Agent: The active components in turmeric help to protect against radiation-induced tumours. It is effective against several neuronal disorders. Turmeric being an Anti-oxidant destroys the free radicals (highly reactive molecules that react with important organic substances such as fatty acid, protiens and DNA) in the body due to its chemical structure. Turmeric also helps to prevent mutations.

  • Boost Immunity: Turmeric proves to lead to a more efficient functional recovery that results in reduction in cell death. Turmeric being antibacterial, antiviral and anti fungal helps strengthen the immune system. It also helps to strengthen the overall energy of the body. It helps in production of beneficial enzymes and reduces toxins in the body.


Read More:

How to make a Turmeric Tea (The Golden Milk)
Turmeric Powder -  Uses of The Golden Spice

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