Organic Rice

Organic Rice:- A Detailed Guide

April 8th, 2021

For millions of people all across the world, rice is a crucial nutrition source. Increasing demand for rice forces farmers to do whatever they can to increase the yield of the paddy crop. This includes using potentially toxic fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals to get the optimum yield from their crop. However, this leads to toxic chemicals finding its way to our plates. Being a health risk, many health-conscious people now prefer to
buy organic rice online or buy branded rice that confirms its organic quality.

Some of us may think- the loose rice I buy is always the same when cooked it tastes the same too. Why should I buy organic rice when my regular rice always seems to be the same? Read on to know the answers to your questions.

Benefits of Organic Rice

  • Low threat of chemical poisoning- Conventionally produced rice can contain high levels of arsenic and other harmful chemicals through the pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals sprayed on the crops. As rice is grown in flooded fields, these toxic chemicals can dissolve in the water and eventually seep into the rice if used in high quantities. Organically produced rice is produced using natural chemicals that do not pose a threat to human health.

  • Ethical farming methods- Commercial paddy(rice) production is done with two main aims- to attain optimum yield and minimize losses. This is where some people cut corners, by using toxic chemicals and wasting resources to fulfill these aims. Organic rice, on the other hand, is farmed using methods that conserve resources while being environmentally friendly. Organic farmers use the best of natural, traditional, and modern conservation methods to increase yield, also using natural seeds for best results.

  • Rich nutrient profile- As pesticide and fertilizer residue is almost non-existent in organic rice, there is no doubt that you can get the most nutrients from each grain of Organic Basmati RiceOrganic Biryani Pulav Rice or any other type of organically produced rice. This is partly because branded organic rice is made with minimal processing, which retains the fiber and nutrients that are present in the outer hull and husk of the rice. Here are some of the nutrients that make up 1 cup(186gm) of cooked white grain rice-
  • Calories-242
  • Protein- 4.4gm
  • Sugar- 0 gm
  • Fiber- 0.6 gm
  • Carbohydrates- 53.4 gm
  • Sodium- 0gm

Health benefits of Organic Rice

  • An important source of energy- Rice is known as a good source of carbohydrates. These nutrients are metabolized and turned into energy for the body for various uses.

  • Prevents Obesity- Rice is known to provide the body with essential nutrients without having any negative impact on health. Rice has low levels of cholesterol, fat, and sodium that help to reduce obesity. This further helps to boost metabolism and burn excess fat.

  • Helps prevent cancer-According to various studies, rice fiber acts as a ‘sheild’ against cancer-causing cells, preventing cancer from spreading. In fact, many doctors recommend cancer patients to switch to Organic Brown Rice for this very reason.

  • Prevents constipation- Insoluble fiber in brown and white rice forms a ‘soft sponge’ while passing through the intestinal tract. This helps prevent chronic constipation. Along with this, experts also recommend having a lot of fluids to heal this condition.

  • Reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s- Studies have shown how rice(especially brown rice) can retain all its nutrients even though it is cooked at pressure in a cooker. This reduces amyloid-beta in the brain, which is a protein that is responsible for Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Boosts cardiovascular health- Scientists have shown how organic rice can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular heart diseases. Antioxidants in rice help to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body, boosting cardiovascular health.

  • Boosts digestion- Insoluble fiber in rice helps regulate bowel movements. Also, those who have celiac disease (a disease related to the small intestine) can opt for brown rice as it is gluten-free. In fact, nutritionists recommend people with celiac diseases to have rice-based food ingredients like rice flour, bread, and other such food.

  • Boosts colon health- Resistant starch present in rice helps induce the production of fatty acids that keeps the colon healthy. Additionally, these fatty acids help to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

  • Helps control diabetes- ‘Diabetics should refrain from having white rice’- this is something most of us know. However, nutritionists say brown rice helps lower the levels of blood sugar while white rice should be avoided as it can have the opposite effect.


Organic rice gives you one more reason to adopt organically-produced food that not only nourishes your body better but is also environmentally friendly. For a safer and healthier tomorrow, we need to adopt organic food and encourage others to do the same.

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