Our Banana Oats Bars are packed with bone-strengthening goodness! Featuring a toothsome blend of oats, bananas, dates, and buckwheat - naturally sweetened with honey. Banana packs within itself Potassium, Vitamin C and Magnesium these vitamins and minerals keep your bones strong and healthy; Oats pack in fibre and anti-oxidants; Raisins bring their own touch of sweetness to this mix; Almonds brings in Vitamin E vital to your body’s skin. Our bars are filled with amazing plant fibre and nourishing antioxidants. Enjoy these as your all-time nourishing breakfast or take a few with you for a convenient snack, anytime-anywhere! These Banana Oat bars are packed with goodness! Featuring a toothsome blend of oats, bananas, dates, and buckwheat - naturally sweetened with honey - these bars are filled with amazing plant fiber and nourishing antioxidants. Pop one in your bag for a convenient snack on-the-go!