Govind Bhog Rice

All about Govind Bhog Rice and some delicious recipes with it.

July 31st, 2023

For all those who hail from Bengal and Odhisa, this ancient rice variety won’t be new to you but to folks from remaining India, Govind Bhog is a short, white, sticky, aromatic rice variety infused with a smooth buttery flavour. This distinct rice variety has received its name from its principal usage, as an offering to Bhagwan Govind. It is widely sought for its soft, fluffy texture, making it a perfect choice for a variety of culinary delights.

Govinda Bhog Rice is mainly used for making khir, but it can also be used as medicinal rice to be consumed in our daily diet. After cooking it turns purple-black in colour.

Nutrient profile of Goving Bhog Rice:

This aromatic variety of rice contains many essential nutrients as:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Antioxidants
  • Fibre
  • Protein
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium

Dishes with Govind Bhog Rice:

Unpolished grains of this variety usually take more time to cook. Here are some hearty dishes with Govind Bhog rice that you must try.

*Image for creative visualization only

Ingredients required:
  • Re:fresh Govind Bhog Rice- 250 gms.
  • Milk - 1,250 ml.
  • Sugar - 125 gms.
  • Cardamom - 2 pods.
  • Dry fruits & chopped coconut.
  • Serves 6 persons
Steps for making:
  1. Wash & soak the Govinda Bhog Rice in water for 6 to 8 hrs.
  2. Boil the rice till it gets cooked.
  3. Boil the milk; add cooked rice to the milk till it gets condensed.
  4. Add sliced fresh coconut pieces & sugar. Then add Cardamom & top it up with some dry fruits.
  5. Serve hot immediately or allow it to cool & serve chilled.
Ingredients required:
  • Re:fresh Govind Bhog Rice- 250 gms.
  • Milk - 1,250 ml.
  • Sugar - 125 gms.
  • Cardamom - 2 pods.
  • Dry fruits & chopped coconut.
Steps for making:
  1. Wash the Govinda Bhog Rice with water, drain out the water & leave the rice for drying.
  2. Once completely dry, powder the rice in a mixer.
  3. Boil the milk & add the rice powder to it. Cook the rice by constantly stirring.
Ingredients required:
  • Re:fresh Govinda Bhog Rice - 250 gms.
  • Milk - 1,250 ml.
  • Sugar - 125 gms.
  • Cardamom - 2 pods.
  • Dry fruits & chopped coconut.
Steps for making:
  1. Wash the Govinda Bhog Rice with water, drain out the water & leave the rice for drying.
  2. Once completely dry, powder the rice in a mixer.
  3. Boil the milk & add the rice powder in it. Cook the rice by constantly stirring.
  4. Add sliced fresh coconut pieces & sugar and continue cooking on medium flame.
  5. Once the rice is cooked add Cardamom powder & top it up with some dry fruits.
  6. Serve hot immediately or allow it to cool & serve chilled.
Ingredients required:
  • Re:fresh Govinda Bhog Rice:- 250 gms.
  • Milk:- 1 Litre.
  • Sugar: - 225 gms.
  • Ghee: - 200 gms.
  • Cardamom: - 2 pods.
  • Dry fruits & chopped coconut.
  • Serves 6 persons
Steps for making:
  1. Wash the Govinda Bhog Rice with water, drain out the water & leave the rice for drying.
  2. Once completely dry, powder the rice in a mixer.
  3. Roast the Rice powder properly in ghee. Then add milk and keep it stirring. Keep stirring until the milk boils and the rice cooks.
  4. Add sliced fresh coconut pieces & sugar and continue cooking on medium flame.
  5. Once rice is cooked add Cardamom & top it up with some dry fruits.
  6. Serve hot immediately.

Summing It Up:

In a world where mass-produced and polished rice varieties dominate the market, discovering and embracing the essence of natural rice like Govind Bhog is a truly enriching experience. To truly savor the authentic flavor and reap the maximum nutritional benefits, it is essential to source your Govind Bhog rice from trusted suppliers. Re:fresh, trusted FMCG brand, offers an array of premium, unadulterated rice varieties, including the divine Govind Bhog rice. Shop the best quality Rice from Re:fresh.

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